Economic Guide of Chrzanowski Poviat

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location and infrastructure
investment offers
cooperation offers

Name of the company: MAGBUD Sp. z o.o.
Contact details: Chrzanowska 90 street
32-500 Chrzanów-Balin
ph.: 0-32 627-60-58
fax: 0-32 624-11-50
[email protected]
Branch: building
Offered products or services: foamed polystyrene and heat-insulating systems
Scope of activity: national market and export: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria
Consignees from branch: Jasam, Ursa, Rcmb, Castorama, Obi, Inter Slovakia
Suppliers from branch: Sunpor, Dow Polska, Semi, Daewoo, Nordmann Rassmann
Area of possible co-operation: Building materials production

Starostwo Powiatowe w Chrzanowie
ul. Partyzantów 2, 32-500 Chrzanów
tel. (032) 625 79 00, fax (032) 625 79 55
e-mail: [email protected]